Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How much of an influence do you think the media has on the American standard of beauty?

It was in control , but it's influence is lessening each day as people start to think for themselves.

%26gt;?%26lt;|||The media has influenced young girls that you're only pretty skinny, light skinned, and long hair. The media has part of a lot things because they aren't nothing but instigaters who say things about everybody such as the racial stereotypes. I mean the media have a different concept of beauty, so a lot of us women and girls have to teach them real beauty.|||i think the media has the biggest influence on the american standard of beauty.... its unfortunate, but i truly see it in everywhere i go everything i see and everything i hear. It is depressing and stupid to see such a thing.|||A lot, I guess, but it's up to the men and women themselves to decide what's beautiful and what's not. No one in the media is saying "YOU HAVE TO LOOK LIKE THIS TO BE BEAUTIFUL"|||A whole lot. Frankly, my definition of beauty is very different from the mainstream. Same with the definition of "fat".|||Make up, nice hair, style, sex appeal all that **** thats the standard.|||They pretty much run the show and people get sucked into the lies they tell. Sad story :(|||How much do you think? What a dumb question.

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