Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Who or what is most responsible for lowering the American standard of living?

0bama. For crashing the economy with socialist policies, and creating a new normal in society. A normal where gas costs $4 a gallon and a milk and bread and other staples cost twice as much, but your paycheck (if you are lucky enough to have a job) stays the same unless you are a union crony.|||all socialist communistic federal politicians and subsquently all ignorant politicians, who are told one thing, and sign a bill into law. regardless of what is actually said and written.

most recently, changing the glass steagal laws, seemed to allow that banks can loan out money regardless of assets or none at all. thus the derivitive conspiracy has made the world 600 trillion and more by now in debt. thus people lose their homes because of foreclosure. thus Bush and Obama both bailed out banks and international enemies. by signing over trillions of tax dollars to save banks that shouldve gone bankrupt.

hence we have fiate money and inflationary qualitative easing by printing more money which causes food to triple in price because the value of the dollar is decreased. so when electricity doubles in price, its because General Electric conspires with the federal government to have coal burning plants closed while G.E. becomes a monopoly, also when tyson has lobbyists try to make laws that all farm animals should tagged with 10 to 15 dollar fee, while THEY themselves are given a minimum fee for lots of thousands of birds, its all evil.

the standard of living has been eroding away since before first bush became president, Kennedy was shot, and since all politicians would rather have their own bank accounts full and let the constituion go to crap.

in the end the United Nations Is the enemy of the constitution. agenda 21 makes it illegal to grow your own food. it also makes it a criminal act for an Amish man to seel whole unpasturized milk across state lines.

such an unlawful law should never be enforced by any military man who takes an oath to defend the constitution. yet, those who are in police/military uniforms that DO enforce illegal laws, THEY probably never did make such a constitutional oath.

people like this are enemies of Nation and the constitution, i pray for a similar nuremburg trial to come upon "them".

over all, american standards became this way because Atheists had "separation of church and state" laws passed but by purjury not by legal intent.

the current separation laws are HATE laws against christianity, and american standards have decreased everytime another person makes a covenant with evil and then becomes a non elected federal or state agent.

p.s. in simplicity

its everyone who would sell-out, rather than defend the constitution

1 Tim. 3: 3, 8

3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre;

therefore, NONE Of us should follow after the manner of our leaders whether they are communists or socialists

not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;

in essence, its every international bankster who conspires to destroy the united states financially, and every single politician who conspires with them.|||In my opinion, there are 3 big factors that are most to blame:

1. Economic globalization since the 1970s, with American business increasingly encountering tough foreign competition for markets (due to the recovery of Japanese %26amp; European industry from the damage done by WW II, and the entry of Japanese %26amp; Euro goods into "American" markets).

Then, after about 1985 and accelerating with the passage of NAFTA and GATT under the Clinton administration in the 1990s, "corporate flight" by US-based corporations to low-wage economies in the Third World, such as China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam etc. All this has resulted in a hollowing out of US industry and the loss of millions of American jobs in heavy industry, which paid more than most jobs in the service sector.

For details, see Jeff Faux, "The Global Class War," on the main effects of globalization following the enactment of NAFTA.

2. Upper-class and corporate domination of the US government and US politics, which since the late 1970s and early 1980s has resulted in tax "reforms" that have benefited the top 1% of the population at the benefit of everyone in the bottom 99%.

At the same time, the increasing stranglehold of corporate American over the Republican Party and the "New Democrat" or Clinton wing of the Democratic Party has resulted in the de-regulation and non-regulation of the banking and financial sector of the economy -- creating the foundations for pure financial speculation in "subprime" mortgages and risky derivatives on Wall Street, and ultimately leading to the disastrous financial collapse of 2008 - a big setback for the American middle class

Source: "Winner Take All Politics," by political scientists Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson.

3. Further lowering the US standard of living is the prolonged, mostly successful attack on labor unions and labor rights that the top management of corporate America has been mounting since the 1930s, with considerable help from the political far right.

Along with legal attacks on labor unions and illegal union-busting by corporations, there has been a massive automation and computerization of key American industries, shrinking the work force in previously high-wage, heavily unionized industries and forcing middle-class Americans with union jobs to seek lower-paying jobs in non-union settings.

For more details see Kim Phillips-Fein, "Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan," and Thomas Friedman, "The World Is Flat," about the decimation of the American labor movement by automation as well as economic globalization.|||The perpetuation and expansion of the Nanny State. The acceptance that an individual should not be held accountable for their actions; such as purchasing a home for which they cannot afford, or the demands that they should not be required to seek employment.

Federal expenditures which are too much for the present tax base. The results being to make sure the middle class taxpayer pays a higher proportion of their income in taxation.

Government regulations which make it impossible for small businesses to be successful. An over-regulated business results in an under-performing business. This is a given.

Secondary causes include a lousy public education system, and a higher education system which is on the high road to failure. Also in the list would be the demands for ethnic distinction and the nonsense of multiculturalism and tribalism.|||The globalist agenda of world depopulation and forced slavery to the state. The Federal Reserve, the Tri-Lateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group, the United Nations, the World Health Organization,,,,and every American that voted in the puppets of these organizations and their policies.|||"Freedom" works in cycles.

At first there was work for all. Everybody was happy.

Then came the drive for higher profits. Which put many out of work. Most were happy.

Inevitably profits stop growing, then there is recession. Most were unhappy.

The recession comes and goes. Most remain unhappy.

The recession becomes a slump. Then there is a war.

Many are killed and much property destroyed.

Then there is work for all. Everybody is happy.

Then comes the drive for higher profits. Which puts many out of work. Most are happy.

Inevitably profits will stop growing, then there is recession. Most will be unhappy.

The recession is coming and going. Most are still unhappy.

The recession will become a slump. The wars are already being started!

Many will be killed and with property destroyed.

Then there is work for all....

This is how "freedom" works.|||When I have to quit smoking because the taxes therefore the price of cigarettes became too much, when I have to pay $80 to fill my gas tank to look for a job I will not get, when I go to the VA for service-related 'care" but am denied since the VA will not cover a particular type of treatment, when, as a citizen, I have to continually search the internet for the "newest and latest" DC liberal legislation proposed but not reported by the compliant MSM to make sure my rights, as a citizen, are not being violated, then I would have to say the current Obama administration. Obama has continually stated that he wants to "redistribute the wealth" creating "social justice" blah blah blah for, not just the US, but GLOBALLY, which does not mean raising THEIRS but LOWERING OURS to their level... with everyone EQUAL!|||that's easy, it was the NWO and the last 4 Presidents who were part of it. mostly the Builderburg group lately seems to be calling the shots, not our govt.

example, during the 08 election when it came down to Clinton and Obama they both went to the Builderburg meeting in Va and were told Obama would be President and Clinton would serve another way. you do remember when the press was going nuts trying to find them. they were seen at this meeting by some people who were there protesting. wake up.|||Uhh Unions?...NO

Labor regulations?....NO

Balanced State Budgets?....NO

Increase in the size of Government?....NO

Narrow income differential like orway, Sweden, Switzerland?....NO

Off-shoring jobs?.....YES

CEO greed?....YES


Unregulated Derivitives Markets?....YES

Lack of a social safety net, like Australia, Germany, France?.....YES

Neo-cons vs. Liberals?....YES

The blame lies on the right.|||If I had to guess, lowering the top marginal tax rate (which was like 80% in the 1950s), and too much spending on wars and feeding the military industrial complex. Which, ironically, I am a part of, since I work in the defense industry.|||Liberals. Entitlements Lowering of the standard of public education so that every child and race could pass a test. Political correctness. Hussein, the list goes on and on.|||the Bush Tax cuts for the Wealthy that helped them move the manufacturing over seas and allowed them to have their base here, but pay nothing for that privilege.|||The American people, who became lazy and self indulgent, and who vote for politicians who have no discernible knowledge or skill at anything other than GETTING elected.|||Cost of Energy, Globalization, and Automation in no particular order.. But I must admit all of those things have increased MY standard of living enormously.

Here's a crumb.|||Righty ideology for the most part. They pretty much suck at the economy. Trickle down economics? Really? What is this Alice in Wonderland?|||Lazy people,,,they won't work so therefore their standard of living is diminished.

That is what is great about the US,,,you can achieve anything you want,,,,but it will take effort.|||lib guberment dependents (see lib whining about 0bamacare for proof) The word personal responsibility scares thee hell out of libs!!!|||GW. Bush is the one person who is most responsible.|||American politicians of both parties who have sold their souls to the corporations.|||Mostly government policies of the past 40 years.

Companies obey the law %26amp; make profits BUT they didn't make the laws...........|||Democrats.

See Detroit.|||Liberals with their PC BS and their position of jealousy.|||Unhealty diet and lifestyle and a broken educational system are my picks.|||The rich and corporations. Simply follow the money.|||Bush for starting it and Obama for speeding up the process.|||Liberal MARXISTS.|||The standard of living has been falling for ten years --- It's Obama's fault.|||Democrats and Republicans|||Keynesian Economics|||Government policy. Nothing more or less.|||illegal immigration cost of energy ,health care and housing bubble

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