Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why do most American women have pretty much the standard American accent on TV, while guys and old men dont?

Also, older Americans have a much stronger accent than the kids today. Most American men today have regional American accents (even though these are not as strong as the ones that their parents had), but most American women dont have much of a regional accent and all speak like the women on TV. Why is that so?|||I can suggest a couple of reasons, although they're mostly educated guesses on my part.

Older Americans lived in a time when TV was less common (I'm 54, and I remember when there were only two channels in my home town). When you don't hear others outside your own area speak, you keep speaking like the people around whom you live.

As to men versus women, I'd have to say that part of it is that men often times (at least in my experience) don't read for pleasure as much; also, women tend to be better at verbal abilities in general than men, even from a very early age. Perhaps we imitate what we hear because we are not the dominant gender (and that gets into a lot of psychology that is far too complex for this forum). Those who are in some way less powerful than others tend to work harder to "please" that more powerful group; thus women tend to be more careful about their vocabulary, looks, behavior, and speech.

Like I said - it's my best "educated guess," some basic psychology studies (I'm not a professional, but I've worked with a few), coupled with having moved from the American south to the northwestern U.S., and my own curiosity on the subject. Hope it helps.|||American women have a flat bored accent because mothers taught them this is the way you deal with the world. Pretend you are a rich ruthless B-tch and copy their accent exactly as shown make your self "sweetness and light" so you can slip the KNIFE IN WHILE SMILING SWEETLY.

This of course was reinforced by Hollywood as they taught the generation how to use sex to manipulate and control anyone stupid enough to want to have a normal relationship with a women mistaking american women as a member of the club.|||鈥?/a>|||Because they didn't start talking till the early 20th century.|||I'm a Southern woman who speaks with a twang. My husband is from Grand Rapids and calls me "peaches" because of my accent.

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