Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I just replaced an American Standard cold faucet stem and it works well but is a little more difficult to turn?

Will time take care of this or is there any repair I can do to loosen things up a bit. Any help is appreciated, thanks!|||go to home depot and buy faucet grease or plumbers grease, it is a safe water soluble grease used to lubricate faucet stems and their o-rings, just smear some on all the o-rings|||Hey!,

The main bonnet nut on top of that older faucet serves more purpose than simply holding the "guts" in there. It also has a large gasket that compresses around the stem to form a seal between the faucet body and the stem. It's EASY to fix by slightly loosening it. As long as you don't have water seeping from around the stem, it's tight enough.

While the new stem will eventually wear to the old faucet body's female threads and work more smoothly, Rick was dead-on with his suggestion to use the non-toxic plumbers grease.

While you're at it, apply some to the hot side's stem, threads and washer also. While the cold ALWAYS wears first simply because of more use, the other won't be too far behind it. So milk as much time as you can from those threads that remain!!!

I apply it EVERY TIME I rebuild a faucet or valve. Just keep in mind that because it will function MUCH easier after applying it, it will move SO freely that it's easy to over-tighten it when shutting it off during use, so be GENTLE.|||time should take care of it The o-ring or the packing will set in after a short while (often the packing nut is to tight ) or the threads will wear together after repeated use , use a little plumbers grease on all moveing parts should help .|||Loosen it

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